Never Again

One night, my family went out to a family dinner, which is pretty rare on weekdays but since it was a no homework night a a late start tomorrow, it was acceptable.We live in Senna Hills, where it’s near the Hill Country Galleria, which has a few good restaurants, but it’s mostly for shopping. I always loved going to Maudie’s and ordering my favorite dish, enchiladas. Sometimes, going to the same place every time gets boring, so instead of going to Maudie’s, we drove around to see what kind of food there was. Finally, my mom decided we try Waterloo since it was delicious in our old neighborhood.

We walked in together after we found a parking spot (which wasn’t hard). Surprised, we walked into a large building with a lot more tables than needed to find that only about 4 of them were filled. I’ve never been to Waterloo before, so I just thought it wasn’t very popular. I was wrong. My mom searched up reviews for the restaurant and found that it was very popular. Everywhere except the one in the Hill Country Galleria.

After ordering, my family were expecting a 10 minute wait or so. We chatted, then waited another 5 minutes. Then another 5 minutes. Then another. My mom’s teeny little salad finally came and it actually cost $6! I had a few pieces of her salad and waited some more. Twenty-five minutes passed by since we ordered and we’ve only got a salad!

It felt like I was waiting an entire 3 hours before I got my food. To be honest, it looked disgusting. It also tasted disgusting, but at the time, I was hungry, so I ate it.


I shoved it down, and an hour later, my stomach hurt. We never went back there again.

3 thoughts on “Never Again

  1. I hate Waterloo too! My dad loves it though (weird), he always makes us go there for there cheap wings, or free cable for watching football. My family and I never go out on weekdays too(except to HEB). Waterloo was a scaring experience for me and I’m happy that people feel the same way about this too!

  2. Yeeeeeeuck! I have never really liked Waterloo that much anyway. Except their burgers. The burgers are okay but schlotzskys? That is AMAZING! I used to love going there for turkey sandwiches with a buch of succulent accents then a Cinnabon after. Have you ever seen the Cinnabon, schlotzskys, and carvel? Super fatty but delicious. 😛

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